
Wow-homes in wow-locations

We select only the most unique properties which are not overpriced.
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Buying FAQs

Yes. OWNERO arranges your personal visits at any time you wish when the home is not booked by owners.

You pay the price of the home, including everything inside or whatever is sold together with it (car, boat, sport gear), closing fees, decoration, furnishing, other upgrades and OWNERO’s fee. You can see the price breakdown in every listing on our marketplace. Although these expenses are not included into the purchasing price, buyers also fund the first 6 months of the tax, insurance and operating expenses at closing.

Contrary to the homes owned by OWNERO, Presale home means that it’s a great fit with our model in terms of wow-factor and a price. We will be happy to buy this home if we have enough interest from the potential owners.

As a general rule you can buy anything from 1/4 to 1/2 of the property.