
Earn twice as much on your second home sales

OWNERO is a service that enables your clients to buy luxury second homes for 1/4 of the original price - and own them through a fully managed real-estate company without any remote maintenance hassle. You can earn more than once on each property and receive lifelong recurring revenue from each home sold. OWNERO partners with selected agents in the top second home markets to scale innovative models of co-ownership. We currently work in UAE, Switzerland, Italy and Croatia.

We buy homes

OWNERO’s model brings multiple win-wins to the market. Agents close more deals, gain more referrals, and maintain new revenue streams. OWNERO acquires only the best partners while communities gain new members and more business.
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OWNERO-Agents win-wins:

We buy homes
OWNERO is a multiple home buyer. If a home or an apartment is a fit, we can buy the whole property on our own or can buy together with your client and pay anything between 1/2 and 3/4 of the whole value of the property depending on how much your client want to use it. You earn commissions.
We sell homes
OWNERO is a multiple seller. We relist the property with you by shares. You earn commissions again.
We increase your buyer pool
OWNERO significantly increases your buyer pool. With our model people who couldn’t afford luxury second home before because of a price and people who didn’t buy it because of a hassle become your clients.
We bring new products
OWNERO brings home shares to the real estate market. Moreover, agents can earn not only closing commissions but lifelong recurring revenue from every second home sold.
We increase the number of referrals
The second home fractional buyers are the best source of referrals as they prefer to share ownership with people they know.
We market your listings at no extra cost
OWNERO markets your listings. We market your listings on our marketplace as well as on the main real estate online websites and offline. You directly get all whole home buyer leads.

Playbook for Agents

For the most innovative agents who would like to partner with OWNERO we have developed a playbook that can help to better understand OWNERO’s value proposition and successfully explain it to the clients.

Agents’ referral program

We offer generous fees and free vacation rental stay perks to use yourself, gift, or share with your clients. There is no limit how many clients you can refer to us or how many we will refer to you.

Use cases

1Sell to us

We buy properties that meet our criteria and then resell them by shares.

If you know someone who would like to sell such a home, either whole home or anything between 1/2 and 3/4 of it, we are all ears. You earn commissions.


Use cases

2Bring the buyer

We pay full buyer-side commission on each closed share sale.

As a partner agent you will have an access to our internal database, analytic tools and pre-market information. We guarantee you full commission on the other agents’ listings.


Use cases

3List your best properties with us

If you list your best vacation properties with us, we will market them by shares and as a whole.

Any time we have buyers interested in the whole home, we refer them directly to you.


Agent FAQs

OWNERO is a real estate and hospitality service that turns all second home ownership’s “cons” into “pros” and lets the agents boost their second home business. OWNERO is a company that: ⁃ enables agents to sell luxury second homes to the customers who could not afford such a purchase before because of a price ⁃ enables agents to sell luxury second homes to the customers who did not buy before because of a hassle ⁃ brings new product such as home shares to the real estate market ⁃ enables agents to receive new revenue streams.

There are much more buyers for the home shares in the second home segment than for the whole homes. It is simple math and logic that works in the sharing economy. You will close faster, will look better in the eyes of your seller and will be earning faster and more often. This is because you have up to eight more buyers and more deals per home. And these kind of deals can be processed without your involvement but with fully paid commission. You can leave all legwork and paperwork to OWNERO and focus on what you like the most and do the best - communicating with people and marketing your listings.

Bring the buyer and get you full buy-side commission for each share sold. Please contact us.

It is a whole home listing that can be potentially in demand for OWNERO model based on its price and wow-factor. If there is enough interest in the home from OWNERO buyers, we will purchase the property and turn it into OWNERO home.

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